
Outdoor sauna house with canopy
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Outdoor sauna house with canopy
Modern finnish sauna house
Sauna house with Himalayan salt
Combined sauna manufacture
Combined sauna with canopy
  • Outdoor sauna house with canopy
  • Modern finnish sauna house
  • Sauna house with Himalayan salt
  • Combined sauna manufacture
  • Combined sauna with canopy

Combined outdoor sauna with custom-made canopy

For owners of bigger gardens who want to have a complete sauna house with canopy. 


The big size sauna house serves bigger family meetings, it can be perfect place for sauna séances for friends.

Garden sauna for the genuine Finnish sauna experience!

Outdoor sauna house with canopy, shower and immersion tub. High performance Finnish sauna stove, the fragrance of Canadian red cedar, covered step-out shower and countersunk immersion tub and fresh snow to have a roll in after a sweating sauna bath.


These are the components for a perfect outdoor sauna. Design a functionality in one, in a combined garden sauna. Exclusive Garden is an ideal solution for those who mainly prefer to have sauna with family or friends. This combined outdoor sauna features both Finnish and infra sauna. Its distinguished beauty comes from wide red cedar wall panelling and bronze glazing. The design and function are equally present in the combined sauna house.


Comfort is ensured by spacious room, U-shaped bench, spine-friendly backrest for infra sauna, built-in shower and countersunk immersion tub.


Thanks to our special production technology the sauna house, which you have dreamt of could be produced also in custom size. Ask for a custom offer even right now.



If you would like to have such or even a custom made outdoor sauna house ask for an offer filling in this form:

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Sauna sizes
Sauna type
Válassza ki az elképzelt szaunaház típusát:
indoor sauna/outdoor sauna:
Roof type
Shinle type
Wood panelling or wood shingle:
Material type
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Bench, backrest, footgrid material
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Terrace covering
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Sauna control
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