
Wellness comfort sauna house with panoramic glasses
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Combined sauna house
Wellness house with combined sauna
Combined sauna with bath
Comfort heated sauna house
Wellness sauna house with glass
Finnish sauna house
Individual saunah ouse with heating
combined sauna house with heatign system
Individual combined comfort sauna house
Garden sauna house with panorama
  • Combined sauna house
  • Wellness house with combined sauna
  • Combined sauna with bath
  • Comfort heated sauna house
  • Wellness sauna house with glass
  • Finnish sauna house
  • Individual saunah ouse with heating
  • combined sauna house with heatign system
  • Individual combined comfort sauna house
  • Garden sauna house with panorama

Whom is it recommended?


We recommend the iSauna wellness comfort sauna houses for clients, who would like to enjoy all complete wellness experiences of a complete wellness house in their home or garden.

iSauna outdoor wellness sauna house with Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, Himalayan salt therapy, relax area with modern roof infrared heating (energy saving), wash hand basin, restroom and a bath.

Wellness comfort sauna house equipped with all comfort elements

Our customer’s dream was a complete outdoor wellness sauna house with Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, Himalayan salt therapy, relax area in modern style with celeing infrared heating, restroom and bath. We used for the inside closures acid-etched glasses because of the intimacy, for the outdoor closures an insulated sliding door system.

Thanks to the given conditions our customers decided to have a garden sauna, because the place has perfect geographic conditions. A huge lake decorates the wonderful view from the individual outdoor combined sauna house.

The result speaks for itself, with the words of our satisfied client: “After a long market research we had to realize that we have to make a decision upon the reality and rational arguments. The iSauna Design was for us the most sympathetic company already by the first visit. We realized why the slogan: ‘Other than others’. This slogan has been realized by the positive affection, high knowledge, the loyalty towards the clients, the most modern technology used during the production, the international TÜV Certificate, the recycling production and the saunas made by hand and passion.”

“Thanks for the professional team of the iSauna Design.”

Would you like to have a sauna house in your garden? Ask for your individual offer:

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Sauna sizes
Sauna type
Válassza ki az elképzelt szaunaház típusát:
indoor sauna/outdoor sauna:
Roof type
Shinle type
Wood panelling or wood shingle:
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Bench, backrest, footgrid material
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Terrace covering
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Sauna control
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